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1 sliv_the_eli  Sep 23, 2011 3:21:35pm

Sort of gives one an idea of how blatant Abbas’ lies are, when even the notoriously factually challenged AP calls him out on it.

2 Buck  Sep 23, 2011 3:36:43pm

And what has happened, over the last 18 years to the population of Arabs and Muslims living through out Israel?

I bet they a lot more than doubled. Why count?

3 sliv_the_eli  Sep 23, 2011 4:03:42pm

re: #2 Buck

Here is some food for thought.

1. A study released in May 2007 found that the growth rate of Arabs living in Jerusalem since the Six Day War was double the growth rate of Jews in Jerusalem. This despite the large haredi population in Jerusalem, which tends to have a higher birthrate than secular Jews. From the May 8, 2007 edition of Yediot Aharonot:

At the end of 1967 the Jewish population included 266,300 people. Since then it has grown rapidly, reaching 719,900 people at the end of 2005 – a rise of 170 percent.
The Arab population, however, has grown even faster over the four decades since the Six Day War. While the Jewish population grew from 197,700 people to 475,100 people, (a rise of 140 percent), the Arab population grew from 68,600 people in 1967 to 244,800 people (a rise of 257 percent).
The relatively slow growth rate of the Jewish population has led to a drop in its percentage in the city, from 74 percent in 1967 to 66 percent in 2005. Simultaneously, the Arab population rose from 26 percent to 34 percent.

2. A paper prepared for Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics in November 2002 found that the growth rate of the Arab population in Israel was not only higher than the growth rate of Israeli Jews, but was also one of the highest growth rates of any Arab population in the world:

The rate of growth of the Arab population of Israel - 3.4% on average per year - is one of the highest in the world, and is even higher than in neighboring Arab countries (for example, 2.8% in Syria and in Jordan and 2.1% in Egypt). In the Palestinian
Authority, the rate of growth is even higher - 4.3% per year.

3. From the 2009 Statistical Abstract of Israel, as reported in a Wikipedia entry on Isreali Demographics, comes the following:

During the 1990s, the Jewish population growth rate was about 3% per year, as a result of massive immigration to Israel, primarily from the republics of the former Soviet Union. There is also a high population growth rate among certain Jewish groups, especially adherents of Haredi Judaism.
The growth rate of the Arab population in Israel is 2.6%, while the growth rate of the Jewish population in Israel is 1.7%. The growth rate of both the Jewish and Arab population has slowed from 3.8% in 1999 to 2.6% in 2008 for Arab and 2.7% to 1.7% for the Jewish population. The fastest growing segment of population are Arab Muslims with the latest growth rate of 2.8% for 2008

This, of course, will not stop the Palestinians and their supporters from falsely accusing the Israelis of ethinc cleansing and genocide. Nor will it stop the factually challenged editors at AP and other news outlets from implicitly making the same accusation by presenting Jewish population figures out of context.

4 Buck  Sep 23, 2011 8:23:25pm

The other thought I had, when they tell us that “jarring statistic” above is:

“Wow!!! You mean there are Jews in Judea? Who would have thunk it.”

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